Monday, 21 October 2013

Days ending in y

So things have been tricky exhausting few days.  I am trying to reduce my medications as it makes me drowsy it's seems to be helping but both my baby's have fallen ill  and the anxiety has returned.  Is this due to stressful situation or do I need to stay on higher dose?  I have tried this a few times and something always happens at the same time to make it tougher and harder to judge
Am I cursed did I accidentally squish a fairy or Chinamen  as they say?? 
Or is it just plan Murphy's law

I'm not whinging but for Pete's  sake universe girl a girl a break I think I've had enough crap
A stroke and almost dying six days after having my B2 is bad enough

There are other worse of but this is my hell  im in

I shall push forward and see how I go perseverance is the key

I choose to Not let this get me today or tomorrow  I may stumble but I will stay upright

Cheers for lending your ears

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