Sunday, 1 February 2015

I am over this mother bullshit

Right so being a mum is fucked.
yep I said it out loud cause its true I don't do bullshit n lies
If you have kids you know you have thought this before
So my B1 has major attitude going on and needs a serious tune up she gets this high pitched attitude and refuses to listen or take no for an answer
But that is the easy one.!!!!!

B2 however is a freaking monster from hell!!!
She Dosnt listen says no defys me every step yet is brilliant for her daycare mum!!

She throws a mass wobbly over the littlest of things like full on fuckin melt down drops her bundle screams and carries on like  she just been beheaded.

She fights sleep and wakes early
Why the hell. Are kids so good for other people but not mum??
Tell me why

First child a dream second a fuckin nightmare
Glad I am not allowed any more children sure as shit would have any more either

Allthough there is the adult child still about who likes to give his opinion and over ride my decisions.

Don't get me started on that shit

Any ways I must fight now so I can get my ass yo bed myself

Stay strong people
I am not mad or lost it yet Thu I'm pretty fucking close

Saturday, 17 January 2015


Ok so new blog needed
Here it is
Its been a year since I seen my awesome buddy bek!!!!

Sitting here chatting and catching up and with awsome ppl today was relaxed chilled and funny fun fun fuck I miss these good times
Being happy laughing and just living life
I miss this shit
I want it forever happiness laughter and love ppl who get me ppl who know me and accept me for my weird crazy self
I am me and I want to remain me not toned down to be what is deemed appropriate and right.
People are who they are ugly bits crazy bits and all
Love then enjoy then