Tuesday, 12 November 2013

What happens next

Well i just had half a blog done and my keyboard battery shat its self :(
So what i was saying before i was so rudely disconnected
I have been busy
Being a mum a darn house wife and and supportive friend
Its range seeing someone go thru somthing you did cause your like oh shit i know whats happening every second and every thought
Anxiety dear readers (if there is any??) Is a massive bitch with spikes!!!!
If you have never experianced it which i say lucky you
Then you have no idea what the hell its like!
I watched a friend go thru it and fuck!! Its ridiculous all you can do is calm them and talk them thru it because there isnt anything but that that will help accept time drugs and support.

Thankfully it does get better it will never go away you just learn how to cope and deal with it and then eventually you can teach yourself house to not let it happen. It pops up sometimes and tries to peak its spiky head out but you have to squash that shit straight up!!

So apart from that i have made a decision to go for a session and no not one involving a bong and chopping bowl
But a life coach session! Hmmm my theory is what can it hurt and also i have spoken with this lady before and she is bloody awesome!!
She has gone thru shit and can understand where i am at which i still dont fully get and im sure i shall broach that soon and explain inside my head.

Ask if anyone has read this and has a tip comment or thought on anxiety or panic attacks please speak up sharing our experiances lets us know we are not weak or stupid we are normal and have just hit a bump in our journey

I know one person is reading me
And i say cheers chicky your doing awesome
And i hope my ramblings help in some way

Power n strength to you all